Shredding Red

Shredding Red

Shredding Red


I was always the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, born to a crack whore of a mother and an absentee father. But I persevered and made a name for myself along with my band Screaming Fyre. I was a God, and I thought I had it all, money, fame, and sex. Especially sex. It flowed abundantly anytime I wanted. I mean who doesn't want to fuck a rock star?

But my world comes crashing to a halt on the dirty ground of a dark alley when a vampire makes me her dinner then leaves me for dead. Only I return as one just like her, heartless and cold. Now my nights after hunting are lonely, and I long for more than just meaningless sex. Then I meet her, the one who makes my heart beat again, my Alice, my Red.


My whole life was turned upside down at the age of nineteen when my parents were victims of a tragic car accident. My life before was comfortable. We lived in a nice neighborhood, and I got good grades. I even went to nursing school so I could save lives, just like the people who tried to save my parents. I was the good girl, always doing what was right.  

Now I'm bored. Life is boring. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I'm a trauma nurse. But my life is work, sleep, repeat, with lonely days and even lonelier nights. My best friend is the only family I have. She's actually the only person I have until I meet him, the one who teaches me that there truly is life after death. He's the bad boy rock star with a monstrous secret. My Lucian Lacquiox.  

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