Licking Heaven

Licking Heaven

Licking Heaven


On the outside, some people look like they have it all. It's true for me, I'm a rich rock star with international fame who can get any woman I want with a sultry wink and a few choice words. But it's all a facade, a show I put on to hide how I truly feel. Inside, I'm dead, even though I can't die. I've tried. I killed myself when the pain of my failures became too much, but karma had other plans for me. When I came screaming back to life as a vampire, cursed to live my misery over again every night, I dropped the act and became the face of the monster inside. Then I met her, the curvy, pastel haired woman that is my own personal slice of heaven.


I'm a nobody, an overweight chick doing a piss poor job of trying to make ends meet. Hot guys don't fall for me, ever. I shouldn't be the object of desire for a gorgeous rock star, alas, I am, but he's more than that. His wounded soul matches my internal dysmorphia. He is perfect for me, and he says I'm perfect for him. Loving him should be easy, though it's anything but. I can feel him changing me. As I give him my light, he shrouds me in his darkness. The darkness that scares me but still feels...right. Can we find the balance between my heaven and his hell before we tear each other apart?

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