Pounding Beats

Pounding Beats

Pounding Beats


Stupid decisions. That's what got me to where I am right now. In hindsight would I make them again? Abso-fucking-lutely. I knew life after death was possible after seeing my friends Lucian and Red come back as blood sucking vampires. Did I ever think it would happen to me? No. But it did, and in the dumbest way. Thats what I get for following my cock instead of my brain.

Once I became undead like them, I started to realize that my version of the monstrosity was different than theirs. Something was missing. It took finding her in the crowd outside one of our concerts, her hand reaching out for me, for me to realize that what I was missing was someone to love the monster inside of me. I had no idea that a single chance encounter would turn into a fight for her mortal life, and eventually welcoming her into my immortal one.


Fear and love, those two things are what drove me to follow my favorite band around the country, never missing a single show. The fear of my ex who hurt me, and continues to stalk me, threatening to hurt me again. Plus, love, or maybe more of an infatuation with my favorite drummer, the dark and brooding Marcus Beck of Screaming Fyre.

Little did I know that getting a chance to be close to him, to reach of him, would entangle me into a life that although is dark, is my salvation. One touch is all it took for the man of my dreams to take me, to make me his. His promise to keep me safe may have faltered, but in the end, he gave me more than I ever could have asked for. A life without fear. A life full of the love that only he can and does provide... wickedly.

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